Trending News

Mapping Home Price Changes
Recording home price changes over time

United State County Migration Patterns
Tracking net migration from county to county

Influenza Mortality Rates
Influenza deaths now, throughout history, and across the globe
Trends In Action
Total Population Living in Poverty
Pandemic assistance helps buoy poverty rate in the short run
Uninsured Population
Percentage of Residents Without Health Coverage Increases
Population with a High School Degree
Good Signs for Post-Secondary Education
5-Questions With:

Steve Wilkinson
Executive Director of the Wenatchee Valley Chamber of Commerce
Q1) You’ve been on the job at the Wenatchee Valley Chamber for less than a year. In those few months, has the Chamber had the time to put together a new strategic plan?
No, it has not been necessary.
October 2021, the Wenatchee Valley Chamber of Commerce created a three-year strategic plan. Therefore, my primary responsibility is leading the efforts, activities, processes, and programs to achieve the strategic plan’s existing goals, objectives, and targets by October 31, 2024.
Q2) With or without a plan, are there some key indicators that you follow from your perch as executive director of the Chamber?
Economic Vitality indexes including Income, Economic Activity, Labor Force, Population, Real Estate, and Housing, plus Transportation are all key indicators that I follow.
Q3) To what degree are those indicators covered by Chelan Douglas Trends?
Each of these indicators are fully presented by Chelan-Douglas Trends.
Laura Velazquez Neal

Hometown: Duluth, Georgia
Major: Mechanical Engineering
Expected Graduation Date: Fall, 2023
Post-graduation plans:
I plan on joining the workforce right away, ideally working in the private sector. I am interested in renewable energy and other topics in engineering which serve the greater good.
After a few months of working on the Trends project, my favorite thing so far:
It is interesting to see how much important data it is out there and how it offers a better understanding of the community it came from. This is truly important work.