Chelan Douglas Trends Newsletter – September 2023

Trending News

Climate Stripes

Climate Stripes

A Visual History of Temperature and Precipitation
Climate Stripes is a graphical visualization of annual temperatures and precipitation averages. The project uses data from NOAA (National Centers for Environmental Information) and spans 125 years; 1895 through 2022. Visitors can click though barcode-style graphs showing the variation of yearly averages in relation to...
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Retirement Savings

Retirement Savings

Fewer Americans Are Prioritizing Saving for Retirement
Have you established a retirement plan yet? A USA Facts article elaborated and visualized a decline in the number of American households that have defined a benefit plan. The article includes various interactive graphs showing the amount of money different age groups hold as a percentage. How much savings should people...
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Google Trends

Google Trends

What does Google do with Everyone's Search Inquires?
Have you ever wondered what your neighbors are searching for online? Google Trends may offer insight into people’s googling habits. Google Trends tracks a term’s popularity over time and makes good use of volunteered, independent queries. More importantly, it has been helping journalists and the news industry explore...
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Trends In Action

Median Home Resale Price

The Fever in Housing Market Breaks, but Perhaps for Only a Quarter

Has the housing fever in Chelan and Douglas Counties broken? A quarter ago, we might have hazarded a yes. With the latest results, from the 2nd quarter of this year, it’s good we didn’t. Over the April through June period, the median resale price for existing home climbed from...
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Taxable Retail Sales

Taxable Retail Sales Slowed in 2022; Downturn Likely to Continue

The pandemic blew in some strong economic tailwinds for Chelan and Douglas Counties. The reasons, however, are likely different than we think. And the tailwinds have recently subsided. As Trends indicator 2.2.3 reveals, taxable retail sales, a fairly broad measure of...
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Water Use Efficiency

A Tale of Two Cities

Providing sufficient water of appropriate quality to residents is one of the most important and challenging roles of local water districts. In a perfect world, supply would always match demand. But that is rarely the case, and water systems often end up with inefficient system leakages. A city’s distribution system leakage...
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New Intern Features


Liliya Kostenko

Hometown: Spokane, WA

Major: Accounting
Expected Graduation Date: Spring 2024
Post-graduation plans:I plan to join an accounting firm to expand my knowledge and skills. My goal is to take and pass the CPA exam to become a certified accountant.
After some time working on the Trends project, my favorite thing so far: I think it is incredible how much information we have at hand, and how little we know about our hometown. Every time I update the data, I learn a lot of new things that I could potentially use to help me in my future career.


Miranda Carmona

Hometown: Spokane, WA
Major: Economics
Expected Graduation Date: Spring 2024
Post-graduation plans: Pursue a Masters' degree in Economics and pursue a career in economic analysis.
After some time working on the Trends project, my favorite thing so far: My favorite thing so far is learning and analyzing new trends for different regions in Washington every week. It amazes me how much I have learned about various counties in our state!