•9.1.1 Tech Prep Dual-Credit Enrollment •9.1.2 Net Jobs Created at 10% Higher Earnings •9.1.3 Net Jobs Created: Info/Pro/Tech Sector •9.1.4 Employment: Health Care & Social Assista •9.1.5 Salmon Counts: Rock Island Dam •9.1.6 Salmon Counts: Rocky Reach Dam •9.1.7 Opioid Prescription Rates •9.1.8 One-Day Count of Unhoused People •9.1.9 Unhoused Students •9.1.10 Post High School Enrollment of Hispanics •9.1.11 Two-Year STEM Degrees Awarded
•0.2.4 Foreign-Born Population •0.3.5 Share of Households with Internet Connection •1.2.2 Lodging Tax Redistributions •2.2.3 Annual Taxable Retail Sales •2.3.4 Concentration of Employment •2.6.1 Total Population Living In Poverty •2.6.2 Youth Population Living in Poverty •6.1.3 Homeowners Paying 30%+ of Income on Shelter •6.2.4 Renters Paying 30%+ of Income on Shelter •6.2.5 Renters Paying 50%+ of Income on Shelter •6.3.2 All Buyers Affordability Index •6.3.3 First Time Buyers Affordability Index •8.1.1 Alternative Modes of Transportation •8.1.3 Pangborn Airport: Total Passenger Trips